Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation: Financing, Measurement & Project Pipeline
April 24-25, 2024
Seymour Center – La Feliz Room, UC Santa Cruz
Wednesday, April 24
9:00am Welcome & Introductions
Michael W. Beck, Director, Center for Coastal Climate Resilience (CCCR), University of California, Santa Cruz
Cynthia Ellis, Ambassador, Garifuna Nation in Belize, CCCR Visiting Fellow
9:30am State of the Natural Science for Coastal Adaptation & Nature-Based Solutions
Michael W. Beck, Director, Center for Coastal Climate Resilience, University of California, Santa Cruz
9:50am State of Economics for Adaptation & Nature-Based Solutions
Galina Hale, Professor of Economics, University of California, Santa Cruz
10:10am State of Business & Investment Trends for Nature-Based Solutions & Coastal Adaptation
Carter Ingram, Managing Director, Pollination
10:30am BREAK
10:45am Lightning Talks: Introductions & Ideas
Attendees introduce themselves/their program & identify one need or opportunity for advancing investment in nature-based coastal adaptation. Each participant has 1.5 minutes and optionally 1 slide.
11:30am Building the Pipeline: Identifying Investable NBS Projects for Coastal Risk Reduction
A moderated discussion with audience engagement
Moderator: Michael W. Beck, Director, Center for Coastal Climate Resilience (CCCR), University of California, Santa Cruz
- Justus Raepple, Director, Nature for Water, The Nature Conservancy
- Nuin-Tara Key, Senior Advisor, Resilient Cities Catalyst
- Steve Crooks, Co-Founder, Silvestrum Climate Associates
12: 10pm Lessons Learned from Mitigation and Biodiversity Markets to Inform Financing and Measurement for Adaptation
A moderated discussion with audience engagement
Moderator: Carter Ingram, Managing Director, Pollination
- Catherine Burns, Managing Director, NatureVest, The Nature Conservancy
- Guillermo Franco, Managing Director, Global Head of Cat Risk Research, Guy Carpenter
- Ricardo Bayon, Partner and Co-Founder, Encourage Capital
12:45pm LUNCH
1:30pm Coast Walk and Group Brainstorming to Generate Ideas
Rapid idea generation on how to advance investments in nature-based adaptation
Facilitator: Heather Tallis, CCCR Senior Fellow, University of California, Santa Cruz
2:15pm Post Ideas / BREAK
2:35pm Group Discussion of Feasibility and Impact
Group discusses brainstormed ideas oriented along axes of feasibility and impact
Facilitator: Heather Tallis, CCCR Senior Fellow, University of California, Santa Cruz
3:30pm BREAK
3:55pm Breakouts to Develop Investable Ideas
Focus on developing and specifying the ideas into fundable projects.
Facilitator: Carter Ingram, Managing Director, Pollination
4:45pm Report Back from Breakouts
5:00pm Adjourn
6:00pm Drinks and Dinner
Firefish Grill, 25 Municipal Wharf, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
NOTE: It’s a short walk to the wharf from the hotel, and parking on the wharf can be limited
Thursday, April 25
9:00am Recap from Day 1 and Reflections From Group
Moderator: Michael W. Beck
9:30am Breakouts to Further Develop Investable Ideas
Continue development and specification of fundable ideas for advancing investment in nature-based adaptation.
Facilitator: Heather Tallis
10:30am BREAK
10:45am Report Back from Breakouts
11:15am Advancing Investments
Group discussion on the ideas that have been developed and specific opportunities for partnership to move them forward.
Moderator: Michael W. Beck
11:50am Summary and Next Steps
12:00pm Adjourn for Lunch
1:00pm Field Trip to Elkhorn Slough (Optional)
Group adventure to Elkhorn Slough to see a mitigation project led by Prof. Adina Paytan (and supported by CCCR). We will also see additional marsh restoration and adaptation projects and wildlife (e.g., otters, seals, seabirds). Bring layers; it can be windy and cool on Monterey Bay.
5:00pm Shuttle returns to Seymour Center
Meeting Attendees:
Chris Allen, Jacobs | Stephen Crooks, | Dominique Kone, Ocean Science Trust | Bhavyaa Sharma, UCSC |
Ricardo Bayon, Encourage Capital | Andrew Fisher, UCSC | Bryan Largay, Land Trust Santa Cruz County | Sarah Skikne, The Nature Conservancy |
Julie Beagle, USACE | Alba Forns, Climatize | Amber Mace, Cal Academy | Daniel Swid, Nature Tech Collective |
Mike Beck, UCSC | Guillermo Franco, Guy Carpenter | Alyssa Mann, The Nature Conservancy | Heather Tallis, UCSC |
Kiya Bibby, Ocean Science Trust | Galina Hale, UCSC | Anya Nelson, Climate Asset Management | Rae Taylor-Burns, UCSC |
Rod Braun, Conservation International | Carter Ingram, Pollination | Mike Peterson, CA Department of Insurance | Kristin Tremain Davis, Aecom |
Sage Bucher-Melcer, Pollination | Loureene Jones, The Nature Conservancy | Justus Raepple, The Nature Conservancy | Danielle Weerth, Econcrete |
Carolina Bueno, Unicamp | Megan Kelso, UCSC | Borja Reguero, UCSC | Liz Whiteman, Ocean Science Trust |
Cat Burns, The Nature Conservancy | Nuin-Tara Key, Climate Change Policy & Practice Consulting | Eric Roberts, The Nature Conservancy | Will Wiseman, Climatize |
Meenakshi Chabba, Everglades Foundation | Lori Kletzer, UCSC | Scott Settelmyer, Terra Carbon |