Heather Tallis

As an interdisciplinary scientist, Heather Tallis works to bridge nature, the economy, and people’s lives. Dr. Tallis served as President Biden’s policy advisor on nature in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, where she drove cross-agency action on nature-based solutions, advanced efforts to account for nature in benefit-cost analysis, and with the US Global Change Research Program, created the National Nature Assessment. Through previous work with The Nature Conservancy and the Natural Capital Project, she has used the tools of science, human-centered design, and innovation to infuse nature into decisions with local communities, governments, and the private sector around the globe. She is currently a Senior Fellow with the Center for Coastal Climate Resilience at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and holds several other roles as an independent advisor, including with the World Wildlife Fund and private engineering and technology companies.


Mainstreaming nature in US federal policy
Heather Tallis , Eli P. Fenichel, Laura Petes, Solomon Hsiang, Phillip S. Levin, Hila Levy, and Jane Lubchenco
Science, 1 Aug 2024, Vol 385, Issue 6708, pp. 498-501

Last modified: Aug 06, 2024