Michael W. Beck

Michael W. Beck is the director of the Center for Coastal Climate Resilience and AXA chair in Coastal Resilience at UC Santa Cruz and co-lead of the NSF CoPe Strong Coasts project. Mike aims to reduce risks to people, property, and nature in his work across science, policy, and practice. He served for 20 years as lead marine scientist at The Nature Conservancy. He has advised government agencies in the U.S., Germany, UK, EU, Philippines, Jamaica, and Grenada, among others. He has collaborated with many global agencies and companies, including AXA, Munich Re, Swiss Re, Lloyd’s of London, Risk Management Solutions, and the World Bank. He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers and numerous op-eds in major papers, including the LA Times, NY Times, The Hill, and the Miami Herald. He has been a Fulbright Fellow and a Pew Marine Fellow.

Last modified: Feb 26, 2024